Across the internet, information is spreading about mRNA technology being used in the food supply. This leaves many people wondering where they can find clean food, especially meat free from synthetic mRNA.
When trying to uncover the truth, using discernment is critical. This is because throughout the food supply chain—from the livestock ranchers to your local butcher—it is difficult to get concrete answers to important questions, like whether mRNA vaccines are in meat.
Intentional Confusion?
According to Dr. Robert Malone, the inventor of mRNA vaccines, the problem is that, unlike human clinical trials, animal health research and vaccine studies are very hard to track. This is because there is no legislation requiring the disclosure of clinical outcomes for animals.

Unfortunately, this leads everyday Americans to become their own health advocate, especially those who already recognize that mRNA vaccines are rushed experimental biotechnology with no long-term safety data.
There Is No Long-term Research
Moreover, this stance also applies to consuming meat vaccinated with synthetic mRNA. There is no research to know what happens to the human body after eating animals vaccinated with mRNA biotechnology. As we learn more, the only thing that arises is more questions than answers. For example:
- Are mRNA vaccines in meat?
- What is in mRNA biotechnology?
- What happens to synthetic mRNA and lipid nanoparticles after high-heat cooking?
- If mRNA passes through breast milk, will it be present in dairy milk?
- Will organic products be safe?
- Will mRNA-vaccinated meat be labeled similarly to bioengineered products?
Our Top 3 Online Sources for Clean Meat
We’ve scoured the internet and reached out to numerous ranchers and beef processors to find the three best online sources for clean meat. These three ranchers have committed to not vaccinating their meat with mRNA technology now and in the future. Here are the places we trust to buy meat online—yes, they are expensive by most standards but they’re also some of the best cuts of meat on earth and all are born, raised, and processed in the USA.
- Good Ranchers: Beef is grass-fed and grain-finished. Chicken is better than organic. Pork is heritage-bred.
- Double R Ranch: These just might be the best-tasting steaks in the USA, and significantly better than your local steakhouse.
- Snake River Farms: Fans of American Wagyu should try this ranch. Also, they produce delicious 100% purebred Berkshire (Kurobuta) pork.
Getting Answers to Biotechnology Questions
Over the last few months, we’ve been researching, collecting information, and making dietary changes to try to keep our bodies free from the toxic additives that are slowly entering our food supply.

Admittedly, it is overwhelming to research in today’s geopolitical climate. Sifting through all the fear porn while looking for solutions makes me understand why people just think, “screw it” and give up.
But similar to our concerns with toxic vaccine waste in the water supply, we grew impatient waiting for the “experts” to address our questions. Therefore, we started researching and sought out answers for ourselves.
Why Take Such Drastic Action?
Since the start of the pandemic, look how much mRNA biotechnology has been pushed onto the population. The movement started with shots, moved to boosters, and is now in the food supply. Available research already warns of the adverse effects of mRNA vaccines with collective findings showing that the biotechnology results in vascular and organ damage, and even death.
Cancer Correlation
Now, analysts and researchers are finding a statistical association between mRNA vaccines and cancer, specifically turbo cancers. Two prominent Twitter accounts to follow include Ethical Skeptic and Edward Dowd, who both bring to light the horrifying data.
If whatever it was that we did around the spring of 2021 is WORSE THAN COVID for 0 – 24 year olds, I guarantee you that this very same thing we did will also turn out to be worse for 25+ year olds.
We just have to wait for the noise/red herring/ignoratio elenchi to clear.
— Ethical Skeptic ☀ (@EthicalSkeptic) May 14, 2023
Let’s note the recent development from a Japanese professor who discovered that there is a cancer virus sequence embedded into the Pfizer mRNA vaccine. He states that there is no need for this carcinogenic virus sequence to be in the vaccine.
Japanese Professor Murakami of Tokyo University expresses concerns over the alarming discovery of Simian Virus 40 (SV40) promoters, associated with human cancer development, in Pfizer vials:
“The Pfizer vaccine has a staggering problem. I have made an amazing finding. This…
— KanekoaTheGreat (@KanekoaTheGreat) May 20, 2023
When awake to the truth that mRNA biotechnology relates to a surge in cancer, articles such as “Cancer mystery as cases rise among younger people around the world” do not come as a surprise. Furthermore, according to The Harvard Gazette, “Among the 14 cancer types on the rise that we studied, eight were related to the digestive system.”
Is there a correlation between mRNA vaccination and cancer? Do bioengineered ingredients and mRNA biotech in the food chain show causation for the increase in digestive cancers? The evidence strongly says yes.
After all, the World Health Organization has hesitatingly confirmed that the spike protein found in synthetic mRNA is causing the myelin sheath that protects the central nervous system to erode, causing multiple sclerosis.
The Biggest mRNA Biotech Mystery? Stomach Acid and Heat
The biggest question that stands right now is what happens to synthetic mRNA after cooking meat or reacting to stomach acid—because if the biotech degrades, then mRNA-vaccinated meat is a non-issue. Unfortunately, people keep asking but experts aren’t answering. In fact, many won’t even tell you if mRNA vaccines are in the meat we’re eating.
Research available shows that RNA denatures at high heat in less than 15 minutes. However, while RNA will degrade, protein and DNA will not. This makes sense when human remains can be identified following a fire.
The real question is, how does heat affect messenger RNA, lipid nanoparticles, or any other biotechnology embedded within the vaccine?
Digging deeper, I found a disturbing study.
Scientists have created an oral pill that injects mRNA nanoparticle technology directly into the GI tract. Essentially, it’s a pill that orally vaccinates with mRNA technology. Furthermore, according to Dr. Peter McCullough, Chinese researchers have already converted food into an oral vaccine.
11 Steps to Protect Your Body From Synthetic mRNA and Other BioTechnology
This post will share all of the research we’ve collected and the specifics of what we are doing to keep our bodies free from synthetic mRNA and toxic biotechnology. Hopefully, this information provides some guidance to those who care about their health and have the same concerns we do.
We also want to note, this is what we are doing but of course, do what works for you and your family.
1. Seek Out a Source of Clean Meat Now
When the news first broke, we hoped to see more of a public outcry over mRNA biotech being used in our meat supply. Our first impression of Good Ranchers was when they quickly and publicly took a stand and said no, absolutely not, not with our cattle—and this was the strong conviction we needed when looking for safe meat for our family.
Good Ranchers is a great choice for clean meat. Not only are they a proud, American-owned ranching company, but their cattle are also grass-fed, given no GMO feed, and antibiotic-free. Of course, their fierce anti-mRNA vaccines in meat stance is what drew us to the company.

Honestly, with all the shady stuff going on in our food supply, grocery shopping has become a tedious task. These days, I seriously dread going to the store.
Critical Read > Beef Producers Panic Over mRNA News
Of course, as nomads, we constantly move from city to city so it’s a neverending battle to find clean food sources. Thankfully, Good Ranchers makes it easy to pick out a selection of quality, clean meat and have it shipped directly to your front door, no matter where you’re located.
For example, a lot of people recommend Wild Pastures. However, through our research, Wild Pastures does not take a firm stance against using mRNA vaccines in meat, simply stating it’s the vet’s choice. We’ll make healthy choices for ourselves, so no thanks.
2. Remove Most Pork From Your Diet
A while ago, we removed all pork products from our diet. Around 2018, mRNA vaccines developed by Merck Animal Health were quietly introduced to swine farms. Once the news spread that the pork industry was indeed using mRNA vaccines, the fact-checkers and experts were quick to try to debunk any “false claims.”

Bill Gates As Your Safety Expert? Really?
Horrifically, showing how completely out of touch the media is with the general public, USA Today thought that using Bill Gates was the best spokesperson to convince the masses that mRNA vaccines are safe and “a game changer” when fighting disease. To summarize, they are trying to convince the public that animals are given time to fully metabolize the mRNA vaccination before using them for products in human consumption.
Iowa State University’s David Verhoeven, a vaccine researcher, actually wrote a convincing statement about mRNA vaccines in animals. However, even a layman like me can quickly find holes in his “expert” statements.
First, research has already documented that vaccine mRNA and spike antigen may remain in the body for up to 8 weeks (and possibly longer). Therefore, if hogs are slaughtered for consumption anytime between 6 to 10 weeks, this means the mRNA vaccines haven’t been metabolized yet.
Last, even though mRNA has already been disproven to stay within the injection site, livestock vaccines are administered into the hindquarters where the best cuts of meat are located.
Do you still think pork is safe to eat?
3. Understand That Dairy is at Risk
Research indicates that mRNA-vaccinated mothers have messenger RNA detected in breast milk. With the confirmation that a breastfed baby is exposed to synthetic mRNA, the recent WHO announcement that there is an “unusual surge” in severe myocarditis in newborns and infants is highly suspect. If mothers pass mRNA biotechnology onto their babies via breastmilk, will dairy milk do the same?
Currently, we are avoiding store-brand milk products and purchasing local brands after contacting the specific dairy. You can check which farm your dairy products come from, and even ask their stance on vaccinations like we did, by going to Where Is My Milk From?

It doesn’t appear that mRNA vaccinations are commonly used in the cattle industry yet. However, finding clean dairy sources will be a significant challenge once they are available for mass distribution.
If you are interested in the raw milk movement, consider finding a local raw milk distributor near you.
Organic Milk Isn’t the Answer
Organic Horizon and Organic Farms are two popular nationwide dairy brands. We reached out to ask their stance on mRNA-vaccinated cattle being used for their organic dairy products. While they did state that no mRNA vaccines are currently available for cattle, the choice to use them is up to the cattle veterinarians. To clarify, organic allows for both traditional and mRNA vaccinations.

We don’t know about you but we don’t want a random cattle vet to make our health decisions. We must be loud and tell companies this is unacceptable and their products will be avoided if they don’t come out boldly against mRNA vaccines for cattle.
4. Realize That the Organic Label No Longer Holds Safety Value

The organic label previously held value. The expectation was that shoppers agreed to premium pricing in exchange for clean, healthier foods. In the last few years, consumers learned that “certified organic” meat allows for mRNA vaccinations. That means organic dairy companies get their milk from vaccinated cows.
Moreover, Costco admits that APEEL is on its organic apples. Certified organic is no longer the holy grail of the clean food movement. Consumers can research the quality of organic products by visiting the Cornucopia Institute.
5. Health Food Stores Are a Joke
We still see a lot of people shopping around with a “Whole Foods Superiority Complex,” meaning they think they’re getting safe food because they buy pricey food at trendy stores. News flash? Whole Foods is not to be trusted.
Not only have they been sued for false claims on their “No Antibiotics Ever” stance, but Whole Foods was recently caught in another meat scandal too. As health-conscious consumers, we must assume that meat may have been treated with experimental mRNA technology until proven otherwise.
6. Do Not Consume Smithfield Meat Products
Smithfield Foods was once a well-known American pork company. Over time, it became the largest pork producer in the U.S., acquiring a significant share of the hog industry. In 2013, the company was sold to WH Group, a Chinese corporation with ties to the Chinese government. This acquisition raised concerns about foreign control over American farmland and food supply chains.
Since the ownership transfer, critics have questioned the quality of Smithfield’s pork production. Reports and consumer concerns suggest issues related to farming conditions, the use of growth hormones, and chemicals, and emerging debates over mRNA vaccines in livestock. While Smithfield maintains that its popular meat products meet U.S. safety standards, some consumers remain skeptical.
7. Stay Away From Internationally Imported Meat
The import/export industry is so complicated that there is no easy way to track what is going on with the meat supply. Here’s why:
- Meat is in a constant state of worldwide importation and exportation.
- The Country of Origin Labeling (COOL) is a complex system with various rules and regulations. During the pandemic, some of these labeling rules were relaxed.
- The largest exporters of beef are Brazil, India, Australia, the United States, and New Zealand.
- Staying on top of each country’s vaccination rules, ranching regulations, and safety standards is impossible for the everyday consumer.
- Due to safety concerns, some people living outside the U.S. and Australia publicly declare a boycott of both nations’ meat sources.
- As a major supplier of animal protein to the global market and a self-described “…global powerhouse in the RNA ecosystem,” many are choosing to avoid Australian meat products. To clarify, Australian biotech companies are openly bragging about being the frontrunners in the livestock mRNA vaccine industry.
- Australian meat is often marketed as grass-fed and organic and is popular in stores like Aldi, Whole Foods, and Trader Joe’s. It is also the main source of the popular ButcherBox brand. We now avoid all Canadian, South American, Australian, and New Zealand meat products, which are popular in U.S. supermarkets.

8. For Now, Choose Locally-Sourced Products Over Big-Box Brands
Here in our local grocery store chain in Idaho, I asked our local butcher, “Where does this beef come from?” His response was, “A cow.” How frustrating when you’re trying to get answers!
However, after some persistent questioning, the butcher confirmed that his store gets a lot of pre-processed beef that is repackaged and sold under the store’s name brand. It is common practice for supermarkets to receive shipments of pre-processed meat bundles, such as ground beef mix sourced from fragments from thousands of different animals.
This makes tracking the origins of meat impossible for the everyday shopper. Remember that the U.S. imports meat too, mainly from Australia, Brazil, New Zealand, Canada, and Mexico. Therefore, if you are truly concerned about mRNA-vaccinated meat, the only way to know for sure is to choose a locally sourced brand that is raised, processed, and labeled from one individual farm.

9. Limit Food-Based Purchases at WEF Corporations
Simply said, we do not trust the WEF—or its partners. We use extreme caution when purchasing meat, fish, and fresh produce with associated WEF partners like Walmart-Sam’s Club, Kroger, Tyson Foods, and Pladis Foods.
The most frightening WEF partner, however, is Sysco—a restaurant wholesaler that sells foods at rock-bottom prices in over 90 countries to over 600,000 businesses. Sysco’s cheaply made products are used across a range of dining experiences—from fast-food chains like Wendy’s, hospitals, senior homes, the Four Seasons, Yankee Stadium, Applebee’s, and even Gitmo military prison.
Not only is the food cheap, processed, and oftentimes played off as “homemade,” but if the WEF seeks to mass distribute toxic foods across the world, this would be a great way to do it. These days, it makes you wonder if going out to eat is even worth it when you’re dining on heavily processed food from a major WEF partner.

10. Stay On Top of What Fresh Foods Have Apeel
Recently, everyday consumers started researching APEEL biotechnology, an invisible coating used to extend the life of produce. After learning of the coating’s toxic chemical makeup, and that it was affiliated with Bill Gates, many sprung into action to spread the word to avoid it at all costs.
Some health advocates have even advised not to touch the tainted produce, let alone eat it. It cannot be washed off and it is believed to seep into the coated food.

The APEEL coating is already used in 8 countries and appears in thousands of stores worldwide. Keeping up on what produce has the coating is going to be really hard. Currently, be extremely leery of apples, citrus fruits like lemons and limes, cucumbers, avocadoes, and asparagus.
Use the Produce Blue Book website and search for updates on the products available at your local store. Additionally, you can contact the brands sold at your local retailer and ask for clarification. Last, use the APEEL store locator to get an idea of what stores are selling treated produce.
Check the labels on all your produce. If they say they use APEEL, or any chemically-based “protective coating,” be sure to tell the company and store manager that you refuse to purchase chemically-laced produce. Boycotts work!
Here are some resources:
11. Do Not Consume Food Containing Bioengineered Ingredients
Although the first genetically modified produce arrived in stores in 1994, the safety of GMO foods continues to be highly debated in the research community. By now, you would think that there would be an abundance of available data to either confirm or deny the negative health effects of GMOs on the human body. However, all these years on the market, limited long-term research exists.

Read: The Science-based Evidence to Ban Glyphosate and GMOs
Many do not realize that the biotechnology companies themselves complete the majority of GMO safety studies. Some even claim that Big Agra manipulates and hides the research that shows GMO food is harmful to human health.
GMOs Linked to Organ Damage and Tumors
There’s a landmark French study showing that GMOs were linked to tumors and organ damage. Despite the outrage of many researchers, the independent study was suspiciously forced to be retracted. Other studies show that consuming GMO corn causes adverse side effects, especially on the body’s detox organs like the kidneys and liver.
Here’s another blatant red flag for Americans who don’t question the safety of bioengineered ingredients. Around the world, countries have banned the use of GMOs like Turkey, Peru, Russia, and the entire European Union. At this time, Mexico is fighting against U.S.-imported GMO corn and glyphosate to “…protect the health of Mexico’s consumers.”
While other countries are taking bold actions to avoid bioengineered ingredients, the American food supply is full of them.
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Helpful Resources
- 🥕Yuka App: A free app that quickly scans products to check for unsafe ingredients.
- 🐄Buy Beef and Pork Direct: A website where you can buy meat locally from ranchers.
- 🍎 Produce Blue Book: Offers updated produce news to check for companies using APEEL
- 🐮The U.S. Cattlemen’s Association: Not to be confused with the U.S. Cattlemen’s Beef Association, this group of patriots advocates for clean meat practices and consumer awareness.
- 🥛 Where Is My Milk From? Enter the code to determine which dairy farm your dairy products come from.
- 💀World Economic Forum Partners: A complete list of businesses associated with the WEF.
- 🛒14 Popular Grocery Stores For Meat, Ranked Worst to Best: Guide to making better meat choices at grocery stores.
- 🥛 Raw Milk Finder: Find a raw milk distributor near you.
- 👩🌾 Learn About Healing Arts: Start exploring nutrient-dense foods.
- 🍠 The Cornucopia Institute: Watchdog for organic foods and labels.
Cited Sources:
- mRNA Vaccines In Livestock and Companion Animals Are Here Now
- Adverse effects of Covid-19 mRNA vaccines: the spike hypothesis
- Vascular and organ damage induced by mRNA vaccines: irrefutable proof of causality
- Cancer mystery as cases rise among younger people around the world
- At what temperature does RNA denature?
- Removal of RNA by heat treatment
- Oral mRNA delivery using capsule-mediated gastrointestinal tissue injections
- An oral vaccine for SARS-CoV-2 RBD mRNA-bovine milk-derived exosomes induces a neutralizing antibody response in vivo
- Dramatic rise in cancer in people under 50
- Detection of Messenger RNA COVID-19 Vaccines in Human Breast Milk
- Beef Producers Panic Over mRNA Vaccine News
- Livestock and mRNA Vaccines: What You Need to Know
- Fact check: Vaccines given to animals are metabolized before they are used for meat, milk
- Vaccines Using mRNA Can Protect Farm Animals Against Diseases Traditional Ones Cannot
- Immune imprinting, breadth of variant recognition, and germinal center response in human SARS-CoV-2 infection and vaccination
- Messenger RNA Vaccine in Mother’s Milk
- Substances Allowed-Prohibited For Organic Crops
- Smithfield Foods CEO Defends Pork Producer’s Chinese Ownership
- The World’s Largest Exporters of Beef
- Why You Should Think Twice Before Getting Ground Beef From The Supermarket
- How Sysco came to monopolize most of what you eat
- Don’t Eat or Touch APEEL Produce! This Applies to Organics, too!
Additional Cited Sources:
- Limoneira to add APEEL coating to citrus
- Apeel Sciences reveals supplier network
- A comparison of the effects of three GM corn varieties on mammalian health
- New analysis of a rat feeding study with genetically modified maize reveals signs of hepatorenal toxicity
- The Science-based Evidence to Ban Glyphosate and GMOs
- A California Jury Found Roundup Does Cause Cancer
- France Responds to Study of GMOs That Shows Links to Tumors and Organ Damage
- Countries That Ban GMOs 2023
- Confused About mRNA Vaccines in Meat? That’s Exactly How They Want It.