The rental listing had a few red flags but at a ridiculously low price we decided to book it anyway, after all, the space came with a private pool and Jacuzzi hot tub. The split-level home looked wonderful, with a private entrance and patio and views of Tucson’s famous Sabino Canyon. Also, the hosts reassured guests in the booking that they will provide “as much privacy or assistance as you wish.” What could possibly go wrong?
Welcome to Tucson
Known for being quite the “modern liberal” city, Tucson sits about 60 miles north of the U.S.-Mexico border. As we approached the rental house in the Catalina Foothills neighborhood, we couldn’t help but notice the increased level of security and precaution. In fact, we can’t recall ever seeing so many gated communities and roads marked with “Private Road. Residents and Guests Only.” in all our lives.
With an average annual household income of about $145,000 and an average median income of about $96,000, the Catalina Foothills community is doing quite well financially compared to the rest of the state.*¹ Traveling through the neighborhood, it was abundantly clear that residents of this elitist neighborhood didn’t want anyone trespassing on their property or messing with their belongings.

Nearing the rental unit, we were anxious to meet the folks that would be hosting us during our one-month stay in Tucson. We’ll call them Karen and Chad to keep their anonymity. Upon our arrival, we quickly learned that this family was officially “woke.” Our mini-stories below document are interactions with our hosts during the stay.
Mini-“Woke” Stories
To efficiently summarize our time at the rental, we’ll break up our experience into mini-“woke” stories. We would like to note that in order to eliminate any hostilities during our lengthy stay, we never let on that we are “America First” supporters—wink, wink.
For the record, we consider ourselves as socially “classical liberals” but economically “conservative”—overall very moderate people, who generally don’t look at people in groups but as individuals. In short, we prefer a minuscule and unintrusive government that functions based on the Constitution of the United States.
Read: THE WOKE SUPREMACY: An Anti-Socialist Manifesto
Nevertheless, please note, that while names have been changed everything else below is described exactly as it took place without exaggeration. Also, most of our interactions with our hosts occurred during the afternoon when we would go to the pool.
Let the mini-“woke” stories begin.
1. Solar-Powered Boat
Our rental offered a private gravel driveway—while the hosts parked their two trucks, SUV, car, and trailer in front of the house. As we got out of our vehicle after a long 5½-hour drive from Lake Havasu City, we noticed our host Chad standing on top of a pontoon boat that was stored on the guest side of the property.
After a brief greeting, Chad quickly went on to inform us of how he was converting his gas-powered pontoon to solar-powered. At 78 miles away, Patagonia Lake is one of the closest bodies of water suitable for a pontoon and one that Chad frequents often. Of course, he’s taken the gas-powered version of the pontoon to the lake numerous times. Nevertheless, we could see the excitement in his eyes as he anticipated exploring the lake with his solar-powered boat.
Modern Liberal Hypocrisy
Chad drives over 100 miles with his gas-guzzling V8 truck while towing a solar-powered boat to celebrate how “green” he is. Perhaps, if Chad is that concerned about the environment, he’d find a new hobby.
On our way to Tucson, we shared with the hosts approximately what time we were scheduled to arrive. Interestingly, we never saw Chad working on his boat again for the rest of our stay. Perhaps it was a coincidence, but it sure seems like he took the timely opportunity to virtue signal to some new guests about his solar panels.

2. Conserve the Water
Upon unloading our car and freshening up, we met Karen in the backyard. As we explored the well-landscaped backyard, we noticed a plethora of amenities—a nice patio with lovely furniture, a portable tabletop fireplace, an outdoor daybed, a Pit Boss grill, a saltwater pool, Jacuzzi, a ping-pong table, a sauna, a garage with bikes and kayaks, a small backyard fountain pond, several juvenile citrus trees, and a garden.
Karen made sure to spend extra time showing us her garden which was made up of mostly greens. Clearly, she was very proud of her work and kindly let us know that we could pick freely from it during our stay. However, when looking at the vegetables and herbs, picking one small leaf would basically deplete the entire supply.
During our stay, we mainly interacted with Karen. She’d see us and just begin rambling “woke” talking points, like lava vomiting from a volcano. While giving the tour, one of her main talking points was the importance of conserving water, and how important it is to “conserve water because we live in the desert.”
Modern Liberal Hypocrisy
Just about every morning Karen would be in the backyard watering her garden. In fact, she would probably spend a couple of hours working and watering the yard daily. We couldn’t help but notice the enormous amount of water she was using while also preaching to us about the importance of water conservation.
For instance, the pool would need to have a couple of inches of water added every week during our stay, equating to hundreds of gallons of water.*⁵ Also, the Jacuzzi needed to be emptied and refilled once a month, adding about another 100 gallons. Let’s not forget about the garden pond fountain which would of course lose water due to evaporation.
At one point, Chad broke a waterline while working on the landscaping. During those few hours, Karen impatiently took buckets of water from the pool to water her garden. Furthermore, Karen talked to us about adding an outdoor shower next to the sauna so that guests could rinse off after using the pool.
Remember, while all of this is going on, Karen is virtue signaling about the importance of water conservation, even having the audacity to bring up Lake Mead’s water levels at one point.

3. Equity for Restaurant Tips
At the end of our tour, Karen randomly asks us, “How much do you guys tip?”
Of course, as confused new acquaintances, we ask, “For what?”
Karen then goes on to inquire about how much we tip when we go to places like Starbucks, dry cleaners, or restaurants.
We try to explain to Karen that we rarely go out for coffee and that we don’t own clothes that need dry cleaning. Moreover, we tell her that we rarely go out to eat because of how expensive it is—even in regard to fast food.
As a reference, in the last eight months we’ve only eaten out about four times, and two of them were at a Chinese restaurant that had a lunch special that costs about $8 per person.
Basically, we said we only tip for restaurant service but no more than 15 percent. We explain to Karen that before we left on our trip, we would typically leave 10 to 15 percent, which we found acceptable based on service. However, nowadays, the expected tip was closer to 22 to 28 percent, which made it exponentially more expensive for us to dine out.
Karen agreed that she doesn’t like to tip when she receives poor service. Then, she immediately brings up how this is all because there’s no “equity” in the “system.” The word “equity” rolled off her tongue so quickly and easily, that we suspected it was the purpose of the entire conservation.
Please Educate Us
We heard the term “equity” and we immediately knew that Karen is a “woke” individual who we would never be able to take seriously. Harry immediately thought, “I’ve been here about a half hour. How will I make it a month with this lady?”
Karen went on to “educate” us about how the system works—explaining to us that servers typically get paid a low hourly wage and then make up the difference through tips. However, with inflation, fewer people are eating out, and servers are making less money.
Per Karen, “restaurant owners are taking advantage of the servers and not providing a liveable wage.” Furthermore, she went on to explain how the government needs to “step in” to make sure restaurant owners are paying livable wages.
This was the only point during the entire month that Harry offered his opinion.
He said, “Well, you know, pretty much every time the government gets involved in anything they only end up making the problem much worse?”
Karen then rebutted with, “Oh, I don’t think that’s true. They did some really great things in the 1930s.”
Modern Liberal Hypocrisy
After an emotional inner battle, Karen went on to explain how she now handles tipping. Using keen liberal logic she decided that she was not going to tip the people she interacts with on a daily basis. Instead, she’s going to donate money to a foundation that focuses on increasing the tips for workers in the long run.
In conclusion, to fight the injustices of the world, instead of directly helping out people in her local community, Karen chooses to donate money to some organization that has “programs.”
At this point, the end of our first day was finally over. We immediately went inside to our “safe space” and discussed how we were going to deal with the insanity for the next month.
Read More: Counter Wokecraft: A Field Manual for Combatting the Woke in the University and Beyond
After some discussion, we decided that our plan was going to include limiting interactions, making Audrey the liaison, and documenting interactions so that we could write about the experience later on.
In short, the hosts asked almost nothing about our lives—we could have been Bonnie and Clyde and they’d have no clue. They were so concerned about saving the world from injustices that they had no idea who was staying with them underneath their own roof.
4. The Border’s Better Now
No matter how much we tried to avoid political topics, every interaction with Karen was laced with some “woke” nonsense. At one point, we were talking about making a road trip down to Nogales, the U.S.-Mexico border town. We asked her for any tips on the area and if there were any highlights we should make sure that we don’t miss.
In typical Karen fashion, she went on to discuss how safe the area is, recommended an expensive Mexican restaurant to eat at, and stated how “the border’s better now.”
Modern Liberal Hypocrisy
Karen went on to address the question with, “Some politicians like to talk about what a disaster the border is. Well, it was. But it’s better now.” She was, of course, implying that the border was bad under President Trump with the construction of the border wall and his end to the catch and release illegal immigration policy.
Using liberal logic, under President Biden, the border is better now because we have exponentially more people crossing over illegally and they’re allowed to stay in the country until their Notice to Appear (NTA), which statistically most illegal aliens do not attend.*⁶
5. The Book is Racist!
Karen and Chad have two adult children in college. During one interaction, Karen was on the phone in the backyard with her oldest daughter who’s in grad school. Upon getting off the phone, Karen ran to Audrey to explain the conversation.

Apparently, the daughter called her mother completely upset, talking about a book she was assigned to read in one of her classes. It seems that the book was about imperialism and colonialism. As a result, the daughter was calling up her mother in distress because she couldn’t believe the atrocities that occurred and the racist tone of the book.
Modern Liberal Hypocrisy
Karen is a former librarian that celebrates reading banned books. In fact, the bumper sticker on her SUV states, “I Read Banned Books.” However, when it came to the book her daughter was reading for school, it was “racist.”
6. Overpopulation
Both Karen and Chad stated in two different individual conversations that the world is overpopulated.
Modern Liberal Hypocrisy
The overpopulation of the world is so upsetting to Karen and Chad that they had two children. In fact, during one conversation with Chad, he mentioned how both children were “accidents.” Of course, Karen and Chad didn’t contribute to the problem of overpopulation on purpose, it was an accident, and therefore okay. After all, they would never kill their own babies.
7. Roe v. Wade
We awoke one morning to the noise of what sounded like furniture being slammed against the floor. Our bedroom was located above the kitchen. We’re like, “What the heck is going on up there?”
This was the morning that Roe v. Wade was overturned. Evidently, this upset Karen so much that she began throwing furniture and having a tantrum. We looked at each other and agreed to avoid her at all costs today—Karen wasn’t handling the relinquishing of federal power to the states very well.
Modern Liberal Hypocrisy
With God’s good grace, we were able to avoid Karen for a couple of days. However, luck only lasts so long.
Eventually, Karen came knocking on our door with a present. She brought with her a $7 loaf of Barrio Bread—the award-winning bread that comes from Tucson’s most renowned baker.
Of course, Karen couldn’t just bring us a gift. Each gesture must incorporate some sort of virtue signaling somehow. Karen was wearing a t-shirt that said, “Mother by Choice” with an “I Voted Sticker” on it.
By the end of our stay, Karen had a “Planned Parenthood” sign in her front yard. It’s ironic to us that although Karen supports (financially and morally) everyone’s choice to kill their children, she, however, chose the exact opposite.
Read the History of “Woke” Philosophy: Awake, Not Woke: A Christian Response to the Cult of Progressive Ideology

8. Laughing at the Transgenders
One glorious week, Chad and his son, who was home from college, took two trucks (one each) and drove to the Baja Peninsula to go surfing. During this time, Karen seemed to disappear more frequently than usual. It felt like we were on vacation, finally having the place to ourselves. Life was good!
Toward the end of the week, Karen and Audrey randomly met outside. Since we are thinking about driving down the Baja Peninsula next year, Audrey asked, “Well, how’s their trip going?”
Karen went on to say “Last night the boys went to a transgender bar.”
At that point, not knowing how to respond, Audrey gave her a blank stare.
Feeling the awkwardness of saying your husband and son were at a ladyboy bar, Karen stated, “Oh, they were there for a laugh. Chad wanted to see what it was like to go to a transgender bar.”
Modern Liberal Hypocrisy
First off, two family members took two trucks to go on a road trip to Mexico. Seriously fu*k the fu*k off. We never want to hear the words “climate change” out of your mouth again.
Oh, and then the admission of “laughing at ladyboys.”
Isn’t this the class of people we’re all supposed to take totally seriously now? Also, let’s acknowledge the irony that one of their cars has a bumper sticker that states “EQUALITY.”
9. Everything’s Organic
Karen made sure to let us know that they had a passion for all things organic. For example, soaps, shampoos, conditioners, cleaning supplies, mattresses, pillows, blankets, coffee, etc., everything in our space was labeled organic—which is great because that’s what we prefer but cannot typically afford.
Modern Liberal Hypocrisy
At one point, while Chad was away, the hot water stopped working. Karen needed access to the furnace room which was downstairs in our unit in order to troubleshoot. While Harry was making dinner she unlocked the furnace and attempted to restart the hot water heater but couldn’t.

Now able to access the hot water heater, Harry was easily able to restart it himself. However, the interesting part was what we found in the furnace room—it was the motherlode of cleaning chemicals!
Publicly, these two wanted their guests to believe that their passion for the environment was so intense that nothing non-organic was allowed in the home—they’d never hurt Mother Earth. But, step inside the secret closet and the truth is revealed.
10. Global Warming
One night we decided to go into the Jacuzzi at about 10:30 p.m. Typically, after sunset, we would never see anyone ever in the backyard and assumed we were in the clear.
As we step outside we hear, “I’m out here. I didn’t want to scare you.”
Of course, we respond cordially and head to the hot tub. Meanwhile, as we’re stepping into the tub, here comes Karen—she sits down next to the hot tub and begins “woke” puking.
Karen is one of those people you meet in life that think they’re having a conversation but they’re just talking at you. Also, she has no ability to understand social cues. For example, she sat next to us spewing “woke” nonsense for about 15 minutes—as a hint, Harry tried to not make eye contact with her the entire time. We both just wanted her to go away.
“Oh, I can’t believe how much you two like the hot tub in this heat,” she states.
Audrey explains to her that we had a long cold winter and dreamt of a hot tub all winter long.
In short, we made the mistake of bringing up the weather which was the perfect transition for her to commence her lecture on “climate change” and “global warming.”
Modern Liberal Hypocrisy
For the next 15 minutes, we heard about how our planet is in crisis and about scary “polar vortexes.”
Due to media propaganda, climate activists are unable to separate everyday weather from climate change. They refuse to acknowledge the sun/earth relationship*⁷ and the angle of the axis of the earth as the main drivers of climate change.*⁸ Instead, they want to blame and penalize a factory worker in Indiana driving back and forth to work in a deadly “gas-powered” vehicle.

It is interesting to note that Karen would share with us how she frequently would take her hybrid SUV (which still runs off of gasoline) for long drives up Mount Lemmon to go for a cooling walk. We guess “carbon emissions” aren’t an issue when you’re parading around with your virtuous “Save the Planet” vanity license plate.
Realistically, climate alarmists are simply assisting in their own demise as the WEF transitions society to a combination of a Chinese-based credit score system*⁹ and a carbon-credit-based system.*¹⁰
Of course, the end goal is complete tyranny over what people eat, where they go, where they work, how many children they have, and what’s injected into their bodies. Don’t worry though, today’s modern liberal will happily play along if it helps fight against the climate emergency.
Our takeaway? Never bring up the weather with the modern liberal.
11. Light it Up
Karen and Chad are as “woke” as “woke” can be. So, it should come as no surprise that their house has solar panels on the roof, as part of their “woke” portfolio.
Standing upright, the hideous solar panels are impossible to miss but just in case you do there’s a sign in the front yard that states, “This house runs on solar.”
Modern Liberal Hypocrisy
Like most American homes, Karen and Chad had lights illuminating their house and surrounding property. However, they also had several strings of decorative lights throughout the backyard, on our patio, and on their balcony. In the evening, we observed from the hot tub that every night all the lights in the entire house remained on, all night long, and rarely did we see anyone in any of the rooms.

Don’t act like you’re this amazing person who’s so worried about the environment and conserving energy on the front end, only to be an energy glutton on the back end. Publicly, they act like they’re reading a book by candlelight. In reality, their property’s lit up like the Vegas strip on a Friday night. They could be sending energy back to the grid but instead, they are being wasteful.
Free To Do What You Want
Living in America, we strongly believe that people are free to live life on their own terms. Unfortunately, the “woke” never appear to live by their own set of rules. To clarify, this modern liberal family openly preaches about “equity,” “climate change,” and “conservation” and yet, we observe how they hypocritically maintain a lavish, maximalism lifestyle, complete with multiple vehicles, a trailer, a boat, a million-dollar home, pool, hot tub, garden, and a garage full of toys.
Final Thoughts
Unfortunately, in today’s unstable society, it feels like we have inmates running the asylum. The current climate of the country leads one to think that there is a raging political war between the “left” versus the “right.” However, the real battle that needs addressing is the mental health issue that is “wokeness.” The never-ending propaganda spewed upon the American people by corporate media is causing mass formation psychosis—turning once sane “classical liberals” into deranged hate-filled people.
Whether it’s forcing experimental injections like the Nazi doctor Joseph Mengele*², pushing socialistic indoctrination PSYOPs such as “Wokeness,” “Global Warming,” and “We’re all in this together” like Stalin*³, or refusing to acknowledge modern-day voter fraud when in fact it’s been happening at least since 1960 when Chicago’s mayor Richard J. Daley had entire cemeteries register to vote for John Fitzgerald Kennedy (JFK)*⁴, the modern “woke” party has become full of cult-like extremists who cannot decipher between what feels good and the truth.
Hypocrisy Runs Deep
In 2014, we left the country to travel the world and came back in 2018. At some point during that time, it appears that about half the population became disassociated with reality. As a result, we now find ourselves in what feels like some alternative America—a dystopian Orwellian nightmare where men have babies, a rainy day is referred to as deadly “climate change,” and face masks must be worn outside even when you are by yourself in the middle of the desert to avoid getting sick from a disease in which you’ve already acquired immunity

At the end of the day, “woke” people are either brainwashed or mentally ill—or a combination of both. Society needs to stop humoring these people before they destroy every great aspect of western civilization.
When we look back on our one month of living with a “woke” family we feel much better about who we are individually and as a couple. We couldn’t help but notice that Karen and Chad absolutely despised each other—neither one wanted anything to do with the other.
Many nights, Chad slept outside in a tent, most likely to avoid Karen. When Chad would speak Karen would roll her eyes, disagree, or just simply cut him off when he went to share his opinion.
Chad had all the material things in the world and we kind of felt sorry for him. After all, he lived with Karen. To summarize, relationships tend to function much better when both parties accept the other’s point of view, live in reality, tolerate the truth, and are genuinely understanding—but that’s just not possible once you go “woke.”
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